Bitrix24All in One. complete suite of social collaboration and communication tools for your company.Bitrix24 provides a complete suite of social collaboration, communication and management tools for your team; including CRM, files sharing, project management, calendars, and more.
Bitrix24 has been chosen by over one million organizations worldwide.

Social network

How easy is it to communicate with social networks like Facebook?

Bitrix24 lets you collaborate easier, faster and more efficiently. Get An instant feedback, share ideas, creates workgroups and engages your employees. That’s Productivity 2.0.

Use Bitrix24 in your office, or anywhere you like with the free mobile app!


CRM in Bitrix24 provides a platform to organize and track interaction with potential or existing clients, partners, agents and other contacts.

Bitrix24’s CRM forms a contact base where the interaction and the history of contacts are managed and stored. All new events (phone calls, messages, meetings) connected with a contact or company are easily logged and further interaction can be planned, including by using integrated tasks.

Project and Tasks

Project teams can create their own working spaces with all information centrally available. They can use the project planner (Gantt Charts) or create tasks for themselves and others. Managers can have access to reports on all levels.

Document management

Secure online document storage, online multi-user editing and custom document approval workflows are just a few advantages of Bitrix24’s document management system

Chat and video

Your business can’t wait, so use real time communication tools from HD videoconferencing and screen sharing to group chat available in Bitrix24 absolutely free

Calendar and planning

Invite your colleagues to a meeting, schedule appointments with clients directly from the CRM, create private and shared calendars for yourself, workgroups, or entire company.


Bitrix24  human resources management system comes with an employee directory, absence chart, self service portal, time management, work reports, knowledge base and 20+ other HR tools


Make phone calls to your clients and co-workers from your portal with one click. Log and record phone calls directly inside the CRM, connect SIP phones (also called VoIP phones or USB phones) and softphones to Bitrix24. Yes, you can use Bitrix24 as a virtual call center.

Mobile application

Bitrix24’s mobile application functions as a mobile intranet portal, mobile CRM and a mobile HRMS system. Once you install the Bitrix24 app on your smartphone or tablet, you’ll be able to work on the road, in a bar, or any place where there’s an internet connection available. Both iOS and Android devices are supported.

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